Hello all, I must confess that I have an addiction to all things Qi related. Qi (pronounced Chi) is the Chinese term for energy. All things living and non-living are made up of vibrating energy and exist in a universal field of vibrating energy. Author, Lynne McTaggart coined the term, “the Field,” for this universal field of energy, in her book by the same name. In this Field there exists many types of Qi.
The type of Qi
that sustains life in humans and all Earth’s creatures can be referred to as the
life force, bio-energy, or body energy, and is also known as Prana in India, Ki
in Japan, and Orgone is the West. This life force energy is even more important
than oxygen, for example oxygen can continue to be given to a patient on life
support beyond the point of death, yet when the life force is gone there is
death, even in the presence of oxygen. Within the life force type of Qi, there
are many subtypes of Qi, e.g. nutritive, protective, and healing Qi. Energy
healing modalities, such as; Reiki, Acupressure/Acupuncture, Chakra Therapy, Crystal
Therapy, Massage, Chiropractic, Herbology, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, and Essential Oils, are
used to support the life force and compliment any Western medical treatment a
client may be receiving.
Spiritual energy
is another type of Qi existing in the Field. This is the energetic form of humans
and creatures who are no longer living (Souls), Nature spirits (Fairies, etc.) as well as beings who have never
lived on Earth (Angels), and more importantly, the Cosmic Consciousness, or Source,
or God, or whatever name you prefer for the “intelligence” behind all Creation.
My plan for
this blog is to post primarily about topics relating to the life force, information,
and Spiritual types of Qi. I invite you to join me in pondering all that is,
Qi, within the confines of the blog format. Please comment whenever you like.