Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Lack Intuitive Skills? No Worries, You Can Acquire Them With Training (Psychic Development #1)

Intuition is the ability to receive informational messages, from unseen sources, regarding people, or events, from the past, the future, or present time without actually having physical access to that information. There are some folks who seem to have been born with a natural gift of above average intuitive talent. However, the "Natural Intuitive" does not possess any additional mind, or body apparatus that others do not possess, as well. The Natural Intuitive is merely consistently tuned into the wavelength of the messages that are being broadcast 24 hours a day, that the seemingly "Non-Intuitive," is just not aware of. 

The ability to receive information intuitively is innate in humans, and animals for the purpose of self-protection, and survival of the species. When early humans existed in a more primitive state, living in open caves at the mercy of the elements, wild animals, and marauding human bandits, they had to rely on their intuition for survival. A day that one’s intuition was not used to detect danger was a day one did not survive. Additionally, early humans did not have an organized verbal language. Therefore, they had to communicate through mental telepathy, by sending mental pictures from one’s mind to another’s mind. There are some remote indigenous tribes that still practice this today when communicating with neighboring tribal members who have a different language from their own. When early humans developed tools to build homes with doors, and windows that lock, and also developed a common language with their neighbors, their intuitive faculties began to atrophy from non-use.

Even though natural intuitive ability has faded over the millennia of human development for the majority of people, there are still some who are born with a keen active intuition. Being able to obtain information that can be used in practical ways to improve one’s life, and the lives of others, is a valuable tool. The good news is that if one is not born "naturally intuitive," one can develop this faculty with study, and practice much like developing musical, or athletic prowess. The study and practice of intuition building exercises is commonly referred to as, Psychic Development. Psychic Development is quite effective for strengthening the innate intuitive faculties that all humans are born with, and is well worth the effort, as a strongly developed intuition is extremely helpful in navigating one's Earthly life.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Importance of the Seven Major Chakras (Chakras #1)

For each of the various topics I intend this blog to encompass, I feel I must provide an elementary explanation in my first post for unfamiliar readers, before I delve deeper in subsequent posts. For those who are already familiar with the Chakric system, worry not, there will be more for you in later posts.  

The seven major Chakras of the human body, are one of three important components of the human energy system and are closely interconnected with the other two energy system components, the Aura, and the Meridians. The term Chakra comes from the ancient, yogic Sanskrit language that translates as, spinning wheel, or disc. The Chakras of the human body are spinning vortices, or wheels of energy, that are affixed, in a columnar fashion, in front of, and in back of the spine. Each spinal Chakra is shaped like a double funnel with one funnel opening through the front of the body and the other funnel opening through the back of the body. The Chakras exist in an ascending order from the base of the spine up to the top of the head, and are widely known as, the Root, the Sacral, the Solar Plexus, the Heart, the Throat, the 3rd Eye, and the Crown. The Chakras are arranged is this ascending manner due to the fact that the human organism needs its energetic frequencies to raise from the basest Earth energies up to the highest Spiritual energies to ensure first, its survival and then, its evolution.

Each Chakra gives an energetically supportive influence on the organs, endocrine glands, and systems of the body within close proximity, and vibrates with the frequency of a particular color. Red is the color of the Root Chakra, the Sacral is orange, the Solar Plexus is yellow, the Heart is green, the Throat is blue, the 3rd Eye is indigo, and the Crown is violet, or white. Each Chakra is also attributed with an element: Earth with the Root, Water with the Sacral, Fire with the Solar Plexus, Air with the Heart, Sound with the Throat, Light with the 3rd Eye, and Cosmic Consciousness with the Crown. Additionally, each Chakra is attributed with a sense: smell with the Root, taste with the Sacral, sight and thinking with the Solar Plexus, touch with the Heart, hearing with the Throat, sight and intuition with the 3rd Eye, and knowing with the Crown. 

Although, the body has many more than seven Chakras, some say every joint and acupuncture point are actually Chakras, and that additional Chakras exist above, and below the body, the Chakras most studied, diagnosed, and treated are the seven spinal Chakras. This is due to the fact that these Chakras play a very important nutritive role taking in, and circulating vital energies around the internal body, nourishing its organs, muscles, bones, and bodily systems. 

Just as important, the spinal Chakras also serve as psycho-spiritual centers containing innate human protection mechanisms to support survival of self, and by extension the species. From the Root Chakra up to the Crown Chakra, these mechanisms urge the human to seek physical survival in the safety of a tribe, or family (Root); to mate and procreate for survival of the species (Sacral); to become an individual with the will to acquire, and protect one’s needs (Solar Plexus); to love, accept, and forgive one’s self, and others (Heart); to express one’s own truth, verbally, and artistically (Throat); to perceive the seen, and unseen truths, and deceits of others (3rd Eye); and finally, to know one’s place within the grand plan of the Cosmos (Crown).